The Black Hand

What was the Black Hand?
The Black Hand was a secret society which aimed to unite all Serbs who were ruled by either the Ottoman Empire or Austria-Hungary.
Who was involved in the Black Hand?
The Black Hand was founded by ten Serbian army officers, led by Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijević. However, membership soon grew to more than 2,500 members.
When did the Black Hand form?
The Black Hand was formed on 22nd May, 1911.
Why was the Black Hand formed?
Slavic nationalism had grown following the Bosnian crisis, and there was now a desire to unite all Slavs in a Greater Serbia.
What methods did the Black Hand use?
The Black Hand planted bombs, and carried out assassinations and general acts of sabotage in foreign countries which controlled a Serbian population.
Why was the Black Hand important?
The Black Hand would later assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, and spark the beginning of the First World War.
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