The Big Three's Lack of Success With the Peace Settlement

Who was the least satisfied with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
The Big Three had differing views about what an acceptable peace settlement looked like and each had different aims. While some of their aims were achieved all 3 leaders walked away unhappy with the treaty.
Why were the Big Three not satisfied with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
One of the key problems with the peace settlement was the conflicting aims and therefore it was difficult to achieve a peace settlement acceptable to all, each leader had to make huge compromises.
What was Georges Clemenceau not satisfied with about the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Clemenceau was not satisfied with the treaty because:
  • The French people felt Clemenceau did not achieve the revenge they wanted, and voted Clemenceau out of office in the next election. Clemenceau was not satisfied as he didn't get revenge.
  • He wasn't satisfied as although German military was restricted under the terms, he didn't want Germany to have an army at all. Also the treaty only demilitarised the Rhineland rather than making it independent.
  • He was not satisfied as the reparations set were far less than he wanted. The war cost France approximately 200 billion francs, therefore he did not achieve his aim of recovering the losses of the war through reparations.
What was David Lloyd George not satisfied with about the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
There were many aspects of the treaty that Lloyd George wasn't satisfied with including:
  • Lloyd George wasn't satisfied because he wanted to keep a trade relationship with Germany. Many British economists including John Maynard Keynes said the reparations would destroy the German economy.
  • Lloyd George wasn't satisfied because he wanted a settlement that would reduce the risk of another war. He felt that the treaty was too harsh and as a consequence Britain would have to fight another war in 25 years time.
What was Woodrow Wilson not satisfied with about the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
There were many reasons why Wilson was not satisfied with Versailles and the wider settlement including:
  • He was not satisfied with the treaty as he believed in the idea of self determination, and while parts of the German Empire were given to the League of Nations as mandates, in truth Britain and France controlled them.
  • There were many reasons why Wilson was not satisfied with Versailles and the wider settlement including:
  • He was not satisfied as he wanted a settlement that would stop future wars. He felt the treaty was too harsh and Germany would seek revenge in a future war.
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