The Battle of Verdun, February - December 1916

What was the Battle of Verdun?
The Battle of Verdun was a major battle between French and German forces on the Western Front.
What happened at the Battle of Verdun?
The main events of the battle were:
  • The Germans attacked and initially made good progress, capturing the forts around the town.
  • French soldiers counterattacked and pushed the Germans back. After several months the German attacks petered out.
When was the Battle of Verdun?
The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of the First World War, lasting from the 21st February 1916 until the 18th December 1916.
Where was the Battle of Verdun?
The Battle of Verdun was fought in a salient around the French town of Verdun. This was chosen as it was of symbolic importance to the French, and the Germans knew the French would fight hard to defend it.
Why did the Germans attack at the Battle of Verdun?
General Erich von Falkenhayn wanted to 'bleed France white'. The aim was to kill more French soldiers than German, causing the French army to collapse. This is known as a war of attrition.
What were the consequences of the Battle of Verdun?
The Battle of Verdun had 2 main results;
  • Both the French and German armies were weakened.
  • Verdun was saved.
Why did the German attack at the Battle of Verdun fail?
The Battle of Verdun is seen as a German failure for 3 key reasons;
  • The German plan of attrition had failed as they had almost as many casualties (350,000) as the French (400,000).
  • The French appointed General Petain to defend the city. He told the French troops that the Germans 'shall not pass' and ordered the pouring of men and equipment into the Verdun salient along 'the Sacred Way'.
  • In July, the Allies launched their own offensives: the British at the Somme and the Russians on the Eastern Front. This meant Germany had to pull troops out of Verdun to defend other areas.
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