The Battle of Jutland

What was the Battle of Jutland?
The Battle of Jutland was the largest naval battle of the First World War between Britain and Germany off the coast of Denmark.
What happened during the Battle of Jutland?
The Germans intended to draw out the British fleet and make a surprise attack. However, the British already knew of the plan and had sent its fleet ready to attack 259 warships, with 100,000 men on board, fought at Jutland.
When was the Battle of Jutland?
The battle took place between 31st May and 1st June 1916.
What were the results of the Battle of Jutland?
The British suffered the most damage, with 14 ships and 6,000 lives lost. Germany only lost nine ships and 2,500 men. However, both sides claimed victory as, while the Germans had sunk more ships, the German fleet never again left port for fear of being destroyed. Britain continued to control the North Sea.
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