The Boer War

What was the Boer War?
The Boer War was fought between Britain and two independent Boer states, the South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) and the Orange Free State.
When was the Boer War?
The Boer War was fought from from 1899 to 1902.
What were the causes of the Boer War?
There were a number of events that led to the Boer War.
  • The discovery of gold and diamonds in South Africa fuelled the conflict.
  • Cecil Rhodes and his partners wished to take control of the gold mines in the Boer Republics.
  • The Jameson Raid of 1895 made relations between the British and the Boers worse.
  • The British government pressured the Boer government to treat British mine workers better, but the Boers refused.
  • War eventually broke out in 1899.
What were the events of the Boer War?
There were a number of key aspects to the Boer War.
  • The British, although eventually victorious, were often defeated by simple farmers who used guerrilla tactics.
  • In order to force the Boers to surrender, the British rounded up Boer women and children, and held them in concentration camps.
  • Conditions in the camps were appalling, and thousands of innocent civilians died.
  • The British also tried to bring the Boers to heel by destroying their farmlands.
What was the significance of the Boer War?
These are some of the reasons why the Boer War was significant.
  • By 1902, the British were victorious. They gained control over the Boer territories, and the Union of South Africa was established in 1910.
  • Britain had been humiliated during the war, as the simple Boer farmers had inflicted many defeats. This undermined the idea of British superiority.
  • Britain was condemned worldwide for its treatment of Boer civilians. Its reputation suffered greatly.
  • There was also criticism in England, and people began to question whether the British Empire was a force for good.
  • As a result, many other countries in the empire lost faith in Britain, and began to lobby for independence.
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