The Amritsar Massacre, 1919

What was the Amritsar Massacre?
The Amritsar Massacre occurred in 1919, when British troops shot at a peaceful gathering of Indians and killed a large number of people.
When did the Amritsar Massacre happen?
The Amritsar Massacre occurred on 13th April 1919.
Where did the Amritsar Massacre happen?
The Amritsar Massacre took place in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar.
What happened at the Amritsar Massacre?
There was a sequence of events in the Amritsar Massacre.
  • In April 1919, a number of Indian nationalist leaders were arrested in Amritsar. This provoked riots.
  • During the riots, several Europeans were killed, and an English female missionary was left for dead. The rioters also looted banks and public buildings.
  • British and Indian troops were sent to restore order, under the command of Brigadier-General Rex Dyer. Dyer banned all public meetings.
  • On the 13th April, Dyer heard about a large gathering of Indians near the Golden Temple of Amritsar. It was a peaceful gathering, with many women and children present.
  • However, Dyer ordered his troops to open fire, and the shooting lasted for 15 minutes. Around 380 unarmed civilians were killed, including many women and children.
  • The massacre appalled the world. Although Dyer was removed from his command, many British people in India supported him - they felt he had 'saved' the empire.
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