The American Revolution
What was the American Revolution?
The American Revolution broke out after tensions had increased over British and political control in the American , which resulted in the American War of Independence. The Americans defeated the British and gained their to establish the United States of America.
When was the American Revolution?
The American Revolution took place between 1775 and 1783.
Who was king during the American Revolution?
George III was king during the American Revolution.
What caused the American Revolution?
There were four key causes of the American Revolution:
By 1775, 2.5 million people lived in the 13 ruled by Britain, but they were not represented in the British Parliament. Their slogan was: 'No taxation without representation.'.
Britain continued to impose further taxes and duties on the , such as the Stamp Act.
The Navigation Acts meant they could only trade with Britain.
In 1773, the Boston Tea Party occurred when the dumped British tea into the sea in protest at taxes.
What happened in the American Revolution?
There were seven key events of the American Revolution:
The war began on 19th April, 1775, with the Lexington Incident.
The Americans made George Washington their general. He would later become their first President.
On 4th July, 1776, Congress met to declare themselves from Britain. This is why the USA celebrates Independence Day on 4th July every year.
Fighting continued until 1783. The received support from the French, and their use of made it difficult for the British to defeat them.
The British used German . This alienated the further, as the British were using foreigners to fight against their own people.
In 1781, the British general, Lord Cornwallis, was forced to surrender at Yorktown. This was a humiliating defeat for the British.
On the 3rd September, 1783, the Treaty of Paris formally ended the war, and America was declared
Who helped the Americans in the American Revolution?
The American were helped by the French.
What was British opinion on the American Revolution?
Opinion in Britain was divided. Some , such as in Bristol, urged the king to give the American freedom as they thought this would protect trade. However, many felt the owed Britain a great deal and should be more appreciative.
What is the significance of the American Revolution?
The American Revolution was significant for four key reasons:
It was a rejection of royal authority and inspired others like the French, in 1789, and eventually India in 1947, to break away from their monarchs.
It reflected the new ideals were emerging, and that people had inherent rights like freedom of speech.
It established a successful form of government and a that is still followed in America today.
The American were important to the British Empire, but India would become the 'jewel in ' of the British Empire.