The Hundred Days Offensive

What was the 100 Days Offensive?
The 100 Days Offensive was a series of Allied attacks which ended the First World War.
What happened during the 100 Days Offensive?
There were 2 key events of the 100 Days Offensive:
  • At Amiens an artillery attack and creeping barrage broke through the German lines and allowed an Allied advance of 25km. Allied troops also captured 48,000 German soldiers.
  • After breaking the front line at Amiens, the Allies forced the Germans back to the Hindenburg Line which was broken by 8th October. At this point, the Germans were now in all-out retreat.
When was the 100 Days Offensive?
The offensive began with the Battle of Amiens on 8th August 1918, and ended officially on 11th November 1918 when Germany signed the Armistice.
Why was the 100 Days Offensive important?
The 100 Days Offensive was important for 2 key reasons:
  • It allowed the Allies to break the Hindenburg Line, a defensive line of three trench systems. Once this was broken, the Germans retreated in huge numbers.
  • The offensive led to the German High Command seeking an armistice which came into effect on 11th November, 1918.
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